Both newly wed is his very best frenz since secondary time, and only them never forget and appreciate B仔 despite he alway so passive for this friendship. They reali kind and cheerful gang.
B仔 first time join the brother gang, he was so worry before that as he alway heard how I tortured other wedding brother. Who know, the next day he came back and told me 'Sup sup water (just a piece of cake). We attended morning ceremony, church wedding and wedding dinner.
I love to attend church wedding as is very warm and touching ceremony, and the advice sharing by Pastor on how to managing marriage is very interesting, but this time the church wedding is abit lenghty and boring. I almost fall of sleep.
This is the interesting part i meant, the Pastor this time given us few suggesstion if we want our marriage to stay eternal. Please DO NOT do these:
We always assume that our partner already knew what we want, what we hope, how we feel. We assume they knew everything of us better than anyone. So when when they never do as what we like, given what we expect and care on our feel, than it will end with a very big dissapointment and of course fight/cold war.
I do agreed that is our partner duty to understand us well and care of us but if we did not share with them, did not tell them what you want, did not let them know what you feel...than how do you expect your "Kayu partner" will know that?
Communication is the crucial point, if you want to let them know what you need-Tell them nicely!
I knew guys sometime have the listening and memory problem, dun give up! Keep telling.
Base on reseach, if you want to remember something, you must keep telling for at least 6 times. So keeep repeat in different way in 6 times, so confirmed they will capture it well.
When we have any argument, below words will sure prompt up by words or in your mind. You ALWAYS, You EVERYTIME in a very frustate mood.
However this words will always perceive by another party as 'I never change, I am the person who torture you, you alway suffer (victim) and you are pointing the finger to each other'
Try to communicate in a constructive manner when there is a conflict, it will be better you could tell them what you expect them to do in next time rather than blaming each other.
Please la, you partner already under the monitoring of their parents for the past 20 or 30 years. When they get married, it mean they are adult and finally can enjoy his freedom. If you still expect them follow your instruction as their parent, must well he/she to be mummy boy/daddy girl.
3. Both of you must be always together and being possessive
You are mine so you cannot spend your time with others, we must do everything together All the time.
Ya, after married he/she is yours. It is good to plan and doing everthing together and sharing all the memories together. I agreed! that's reason we married.
But never overdoing it with possessive action like 'Never allow them atttend casual social gathering, not happy when they have their own gossip session with friends, Insist that he/she must be there with you eventhough he/she are damn busy'.
Come on la! they already willing to spend their balance of life with you, don't be stingy let them have some freedom.
4. If you will Appreciate,you will have the blessing marriage. Always giving thanks cause eternal blessing
Be grateful to whatever he/she did for you and your family
Eventhough they did not do it well enough, eventhough they did it unwillingly, eventhough they did it very late. But remember they still did it for You!!!
We always feel very touching and thanks to other ppl who help us or did small token to us but
Most of time, we tend to forget, tend to complain, tend to take it as good to our partner.
Start now, show your appreciation to them.
Thanks! I am so happy! I love it!-All these is such a simple words.
5. Love!It is purpose of life. However, the most important is that in pursuing it you become more gentle.
I believe, every of us heard this complaint from alot of old couple even our parent too that 'Last time he/she is not like that', 'Last time, they are so kind and soft to me'
Ya, many of us change alot when getting together long. We forget how to speak softly and gently assist them when they need. We just thought that since we already knew each other so well, need not to pretend..then started use the loud voice or throwing temper when communicate.
I read an article before, when we are in love there is 'No distance' btwn theheart. That the reason all the couple in love alway speak very soft yet they still can hear it.
(signal and reception are very clear and correct)
But when the distance of heart is getting wider, they will start to increase the voice when talking, sometime even shout! The scary distance make everyone start to getting fierce and higher the tone. And the more we shout, the distance is getting lagi wide.
If both couple can stop doing above point sincerely, high possible (not 100% guarantee)
You can be more loving as you grow old!
You know what? most of us will stare to our partner when we heard each point from the pastor with the OS 'Eiii, sound so familiar' 'Eiii, I think i was like the person he mentioned'
This is the happy newly wed
2 of them had experience alot of issues till now, they actually was couple during school time but too bad the relationship did not last long, they was just patch back less than 2 years only.
JY insit to held wedding this year bcoz he remember his promise to Rachel during school time puppy love 'I will marry you after 10 years later'. 2010 is the 10 year due date of his promise, he feel that is much meaningful it he can realise this promise.
Touching right?
Crystal aka Henry Fiance
Seldom see my B仔 in charming look
6 of them are the best pal for more than 10 year.
You are mine so you cannot spend your time with others, we must do everything together All the time.
Ya, after married he/she is yours. It is good to plan and doing everthing together and sharing all the memories together. I agreed! that's reason we married.
But never overdoing it with possessive action like 'Never allow them atttend casual social gathering, not happy when they have their own gossip session with friends, Insist that he/she must be there with you eventhough he/she are damn busy'.
Come on la! they already willing to spend their balance of life with you, don't be stingy let them have some freedom.
Be grateful to whatever he/she did for you and your family
Eventhough they did not do it well enough, eventhough they did it unwillingly, eventhough they did it very late. But remember they still did it for You!!!
We always feel very touching and thanks to other ppl who help us or did small token to us but
Most of time, we tend to forget, tend to complain, tend to take it as good to our partner.
Start now, show your appreciation to them.
Thanks! I am so happy! I love it!-All these is such a simple words.
I believe, every of us heard this complaint from alot of old couple even our parent too that 'Last time he/she is not like that', 'Last time, they are so kind and soft to me'
Ya, many of us change alot when getting together long. We forget how to speak softly and gently assist them when they need. We just thought that since we already knew each other so well, need not to pretend..then started use the loud voice or throwing temper when communicate.
I read an article before, when we are in love there is 'No distance' btwn theheart. That the reason all the couple in love alway speak very soft yet they still can hear it.
(signal and reception are very clear and correct)
But when the distance of heart is getting wider, they will start to increase the voice when talking, sometime even shout! The scary distance make everyone start to getting fierce and higher the tone. And the more we shout, the distance is getting lagi wide.
You can be more loving as you grow old!
You know what? most of us will stare to our partner when we heard each point from the pastor with the OS 'Eiii, sound so familiar' 'Eiii, I think i was like the person he mentioned'
Henry aka B 仔frenz told us that he and the gf like hit all the point. lol!
I knew that eventhought I also far from those point, but at least i start working with it and improve better, I believe relationship is like business need to spend time and effort and is growing it in long term. Chayok! Chayok!
2 of them had experience alot of issues till now, they actually was couple during school time but too bad the relationship did not last long, they was just patch back less than 2 years only.
JY insit to held wedding this year bcoz he remember his promise to Rachel during school time puppy love 'I will marry you after 10 years later'. 2010 is the 10 year due date of his promise, he feel that is much meaningful it he can realise this promise.
Touching right?
Very kind and interesting gang, love to mix with them when we back KL