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Monday, August 23, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy.....
This whole week is damn busy

Internal auditor suprise visit-Thanks to my leader who doing fraud and cheated company money

ISMS auditor came today, must pass the audit else I cannot afford to lost the company certification because of me-Thanks to Auditor choose our region for the certification

Appraisal that need to complete in one week, I had 80 staffs and insist to have fair evalutation so still want to ensure the calculation is done after result, attendance and productivity are taken into consideration...all this are take time-Thanks to my boss who on long leave that miss out the email and dateline from HR

Closing-Tomorrow is closing, cross finger hope that no extention this month again else I need to change my schedule. Cracking my head for too many public holiday, short working days next months.

Lucikly this month we start work by 8am and operation end my 7pm, finally I can back home early to rest