Favourite♥♥ Songs

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Overdue Overdue Post

My bf bring the lappie to s'pore, I am very lazy use the slow desktop to online.
Kenot find my card reader, unable to post alot photo taken
witting post without photo cannot describe best on the real mean...
  1. Wedding preparation
  2. Daddy B'day celebration
  3. Staff dinner
Be patient with me till the lappie & card reader back ya! :P

Games or Politics

Is a very busy & Excited week.

Received my bonus on 26th but i had finish it 80% within 20 mins, :( Geng Leh!
I jz log in my internet banking, settle my my debt with few clicks, Habis!
Maybe I din give much hope on the bonus, and receive the news that my Japanese Boss rate my region lowest grade...anyhow is much better than my expectation.

There alot unexpected & new issues in my work this weeks,busy to solve it on time.
I keep told myself that is good that I can learn new things and gain better experience but still frust when need to deal with those idiot ppl, you cannot scold them as they not ur direct subordinate, sometime I even need to speak very politely to them since they also management level.
It is very exhausted that everyday need to squeeze the brain juice figure out how to fight with them and get things done. I hate those stupid & lazy ppl who jz like to push ard on their job.

This late evening received a calls frm someone, this secret man trying to tell me some internal secret that one of management is 'Targeted' my region. (hmmm, mean find chance to trap us down). I feel sad that after receive that calls.

1) What is his intention to call me? Is he really want to remind me be careful OR
just want me to bcome part of their chess in this politic games?

2) Why the management boy want to target me? Jz bcoz he want us to achieve target OR we
are not co-operate enough with his stupid request sometimes?
Come on, pls be reminded that I am ur staff, your bonus is depend on me and my staff!!!

The best part is I have to pretend to thanks him to being so kind and take risk to share this news to me.

Nowadays to avoid my Japanese Boss have lagi worse perception on me (the despicable HQ boss keep bad step my region), everything I will have to CC him to prevent he got the filter news...OMG, I need to join this kind of games again, I need to wear my mask be a hypocritical office lady, yuccksss!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010



虽 然 我 的 第 一 表 情 是 惊 讶 地 , 因 为 一 直 以 为 她 是 单 身 的 , 所 以 有 点 "吓:" 到 。

但 是 真 的 为 她 能 够 这 么 快 的 踏 上 人 生 得 另 一 个 结 阶 段 感 道 欣 慰。

她 让 我 想 起 当 初 我 和 B仔的 那 段 见 不 得 光 , 偷 偷 摸 摸 的 爱 情 : 那 段 不 被 大 家 祝 福和 认 同 的 感 情 。 什 么 不 开 心 ,什 么痛 都 不 敢 说 ,只 能 拼 明 吞 进 肚 里 ,每 天 都 要 演 戏 , 天 都 要 装 的 不 让 公 司 的 人 发 现 , 那 时 也 不 明 白 自 己 为 什 么 要 选 择 这 段 那 么 幸 苦 的 路 。没 有 经 历 这 一 切 的 人 绝 对 不 了 解 那 种 辛 苦 。

是 傻 吗 ?是 笨 吗 ?

吧 !

让 我 们 紧 紧 的 握 着 对 方 的 手 不 放 , 是 让 我 们 一 步 一 步 的 为 对 方 改 变 , 是 让 我 们 努 力 的 让 这 段 恋 情 见 光 , 是 让 我 们 用 心 得 到 大 家 的 认 同 和 祝 福 , 是 让 我 们 坚 持 到 今 天 。 。 。

B仔跟 我 求 婚 , 买 屋 子 , 准 备 结 婚 的 过 程 。 。 。 让 我 回 想 以 前 的 辛 苦 是 值 得 的!

我 不 能 够 完 全 体 会 她 那 复 杂 的 心 情 , 但 我 知 道 她 是 幸 福 的 。

她 得 到 了 家 人 们 的 体 谅 和 接 受 , 她 有 了 他 们 爱 得 结 晶 , 她 遇 见 一 个 愿 意 照 顾 和 爱 她 的 人 生 伴 侣 , 最 重 要 的 她 得 到 她 最 在 意 重 要 朋 友 们 的 祝 福 。 。 。

在 这 段 恋 情 让 她 意 外 的 发 现 其 实 得 到 了 更 多 ,她 原 来 有 个 多 么 体 谅 她 的 家 人 , 她 能 感 受 到 宝 宝 在 踢 她 肚 子 的 感 觉 , 她 得 到 了 对 她 不 离 不 弃 的 老 公 , 她 有 着 一 群 陪 着 她 的 朋 友 。 。 。 她 得 到 了 这 么 多 别 人 未 必 能拥 有 的 !

虽 然 她 和 他 还 有 着 一 些 些 的 小 问 题 需 要 去 面 对 , 我 相 信 她 们 那 满 满 的 爱 会 让 她 们 比 我和 B仔更 勇 敢 , 我 有 信 心 她 的 附 出 都 也 是 值 得 的! 爱 就 是 要 有 勇 气 的 !

如 果 你 们 看 到 了这 篇 ,千 万 别 问 我 她 是 谁?发 生 了 什 么 事 , 只 请 你 也 和 我 一 样 为 她 和 他 的 爱 情 献 上 祝 福



Thursday, October 14, 2010

Don't Regret

There is a real sad story i want to share

Ms. C- My ex-staff in KL office

When Ms. C join company 4 years ago, she have fat & Auntie appearance with very loud voice.
Bcoz of this, there is no Team leader willing to take her. I take her unwillingly also, but suprisingly she is a very aggressive lady, she will try her level best to achieve all the target it, be it target total calls, total collection. She never go for lunch and toilet break bcoz she insist want to achieve her target before she go back, eventhough she stay at Klang (2 hours ++ distance) but she everyday stayback till 9pm. Due to her hard work, she start to shine in her career...
We converted her from contract staff to permanant staff, she promote as team leaders, and now she is the Assistant Manager...

I had witness her success journey, eventhough she have some attitude problems after she success but she still that strong.

2 years ago before I transfer, she always will share with me her personal things (she have not much frenz). She hope to get marry, every morning she reached office very early and she will spend time surfing marriage vow webpages. She started to save $ for her wedding. Every time I I will question her when met her, she will smile and replied ''Janelle, coming coming, I am saving the $''

Finally after 2 years +, past few months I receive her invitation for her engagement on Mid of November. Eventhough I dun plan to attend it but I still glad that her dreams finally come true.

Something unexpected happened on 10/10/10.
Her future-fiance and fren on bike was knocked by trailer during they out for invitation, both die on spot!!! All her dream are GONE!!!
I not dare to call her, bcoz i knew i couldnt help anything. Any condolence message is bullshit.
I found out from frenz, she is very unstable and still couldn't accept, keep crying when anyone call her.

My heart very pain when heard that, Ms. C is happily prepare for her next mth engagement and this is what she hope for long, an accident change the ending.
I always read the similiar story frm newppr, when this happend on someone u know, the feeling is different.

Her story reali enlighthen me alot...
I always wonder when is the best time, I always say I am still not ready, I always say I need time, but I dunnoe that IF one day there is 'No tomorrow' on us, I will regret that we moving so slow, I will regret I still not yet step to the next stage, I will blame myself that keep hesitate for alot thing...

I dunwan to regret, I dunwan to waste my time in blame my job, I dunwan to spend time to frust on those tiny issues...I must cherish every moment with my family, my love & my frenz